Overdrive 250ml




A never-before-used combination of vitamins, organic materials, nutrients and other ingredients that make Overdrive a powerhouse harvest-boosting formula used by thousands of growers worldwide.

All of Overdrive’s ingredients are matched so they work together to give your plants exactly what they need for late-season bloom building.

Hydroponics plants have a life cycle that’s pretty much determined by genetics and environmental conditions. After you’ve kicked them into bloom phase, they’re programmed to live a few more weeks making flowers- then they inevitably start to decline

Even if you’re feeding them the best basic bloom fertilizer we make, all plants naturally peak and then go downhill. That’s how Nature intends it, and that’s what happens in most gardens.

Overdrive reinvigorates flowering and creates a renewed burst of resins, scents, terpenoids, size and other very desirable traits that will give you impressive harvests.


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