Big Bud Coco 500ml


Also available in 250ml @ €11.95



Whenever you grow in coco coir, you risk nutrient leeching. Nutrient leeching is just what it sounds like – vital nutrients are absorbed into the coco coir instead of into your plants. And your plant suffer for it. It’s one of those strange paradoxes of life – the property that makes coco coir such a water efficient growing medium is the exact property that threatens to starve your plants.

But Advanced Nutrients scientists have discovered how to solve this problem. If you use special chelated forms of iron, then your plants are protected from nutrient leeching in coco coir completely. And when you use Big Bud Coco, your plants are provided with the highest quality iron chelates known to modern plant science, such as iron DPTA and iron EDDHA.

Not only that, but our team has made precise tweaks to the potassium and phosphorus ratios as well, that further tip the odds in your favor. With both of these working for you – the optimized P and K, as well as the Advanced chelated iron, you simply can’t lose growing in coco.


  • More Flowers
  • Bigger Flowers
  • Higher Potency
  • Liquid Formula for Easier Mixing and Absorption


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