B-52 500ml


Also available in 250ml @ €11.95



Feeding vitamins to your plants gives you big rewards, especially at harvest time. Advanced Nutrient’s scientists have repeatedly run hydroponics tests, and their findings demonstrate many B vitamin benefits for your plants including:

  • Upgrade of the weight and quality of your harvest
  • Vitamin B is essential for fundamental cellular processes.
  • It helps your plants use and create carbohydrates so your plants have enough energy to build strong vegetative growth and essential oils

Your plants can synthesize some B vitamins from nutrients, but they can’t synthesize enough nutrients fast enough to achieve your goals of harvests. So when you provide pre-made vitamins, your plants have less metabolic work to do because they don’t have to make their entire supply of B vitamins themselves.


What’s really interesting is that Advanced scientists discovered that a B vitamin formula is an ideal platform for vitamin-rich components that double as yield-boosting substances.

  • Vitamin B2: Enhances systemic resistance so your plants are less susceptible to common grow room contaminants
  • Vitamin B3: An essential substance that contributes to your plants basic life functions.
  • Vitamin B7: involved in enzymatic activity, carbohydrate energy production and amino acid synthesis. All three of these areas are implicated in the basic health and productivity of your plants.


When you’re using B-52, you’ll like the convenience of feeding its important vitamins directly into leaves or roots. This root feed/foliar convenience makes the healing, and protective effects of B vitamins to immediately and completely available to your plants.

B-52 works well for you in all types of growing systems and root zone material.

Use B-52 up until 1 week prior to the flush, for example feed with B-52 on week 7 and use week 8 to flush, if you have a longer flowering strain continue using the B-52 and flush the last week before harvest.


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